Meyer JD, Muntaner C, et al.
American journal of industrial medicine. Date of publication 1999 Mar 1;volume 35(3):295-301.
1. Am J Ind Med. 1999 Mar;35(3):295-301. doi:
Injuries in home health care workers: an analysis of occupational morbidity from
a state compensation database.
Meyer JD(1), Muntaner C.
Author information:
(1)Institute of Occupational and Environmental Health, West Virginia University
School of Medicine, Morgantown 26506-9190, USA.
BACKGROUND: Home health services represent one of the fastest-growing segments
of the US economy. Home health care workers (HHCWs) might be expected to have a
high incidence and increased severity of injury because of inherent difficulty
in control over their work environment, and the limited amount of research on
injuries in home health care appears to support this hypothesis.
METHODS: Using data on workers' compensation claims for 1995-1996 from a large
state database, we calculated the incidence, frequency, and types of injuries
occurring in this working population. Comparison data were drawn from nursing
home (NH) and hospital-based nursing personnel.
RESULTS: An incidence of 52 injuries per 1,000 workers per year was calculated;
this rate lies between nursing home workers (132/1,000) and hospital-based
workers (46/1,000). The percentage of indemnified (> 3 days lost-time) injuries
was increased over those occurring in nursing home personnel. Mean number of
days lost from work by home health workers was 44, significantly increased from
the average 18 and 14 days lost by NH and hospital nursing workers,
respectively. Mean indemnity payment was $1,523 and mean medical costs were
$1,276 per injury. Permanent partial disability awards were made to 19 (4.9%) of
the injured HHCWs during the 2-year study period; back injuries accounted for
63% (12) of these awards. Overexertion injuries and falls accounted for 63% of
total injuries in this group of workers, while 13.5% occurred as a result of
motor vehicle accidents. The incidence of injury attributed to motor vehicles in
HHCWs was 7 per 1,000 workers per year, an order of magnitude greater than in NH
and hospital workers.
CONCLUSIONS: These data indicate that injuries to HHCWs, though less frequent
than in their nursing home counterparts, result in greater lost time from work
and accompanying costs, which may indicate greater severity of injury.
Characteristics of home health work, including increased intensity and speed of
work, adverse working conditions, and the necessity of motor vehicle
transportation as a condition of work may be contributors to injury in this
setting. Further investigation of determinants of accidents and injuries in home
health care, both in the actual setting where the work takes place and in the
way it is structured, is warranted.
DOI: 10.1002/(sici)1097-0274(199903)35:3<295::aid-ajim10>;2-#
PMID: 9987563 [Indexed for MEDLINE]