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Hettrick H, Hill C, Hardigan P, et al.
Wounds : a compendium of clinical research and practice. Date of publication 2017 Aug 1;volume 29(8):222-228.
1. Wounds. 2017 Aug;29(8):222-228. Epub 2017 May 25. Early Detection of Pressure Injury Using a Forensic Alternate Light Source. Hettrick H(1), Hill C(1), Hardigan P(1). Author information: (1)Department of Physical Therapy, Nova Southeastern University, Fort Lauderdale, FL. OBJECTIVE: This study aimed to determine if an alternate light source (ALS) can be used to detect tissue trauma before visible manifestations of tissue injury are evident with the naked eye. MATERIALS AND METHODS: Ten participants were recruited and gave consent, and 7 completed the study. Researchers examined and photographed participants' heels in ambient light to establish baseline. A series of photographs using ALS and camera were taken as follows: violet wavelength at 415 nm to 445 nm with yellow lens; blue wavelength at 455 nm to 515 nm with orange lens; and green wavelength at 535 nm to 575 nm with red lens. Participants were examined weekly for 6 consecutive weeks to ascertain skin changes in ambient light and through the ALS. RESULTS: Overt tissue changes were noted when viewed with the ALS and camera compared with visual screens in ambient light. Descriptive statistics were calculated for all wavelengths. Two chi-square tests of independence were run to look for relationships between wavelength and the number of detected injuries (absorption). CONCLUSIONS: Participants presenting with nonblanching erythema in ambient light showed significant tissue absorption under ALS and camera, depicting the actual scope and magnitude of the tissue trauma. Participants with scars, areas of previous injury, and pigmentary changes also showed significant absorption at those sites. These combined findings indicate that ALS can detect tissue trauma and areas at risk not readily visible by the naked eye. This noninvasive tool could help identify patients in the early stages of tissue trauma as well as screen for sites of previous injury that are at risk for subsequent breakdown, saving significant health care dollars and improving outcomes and quality of life. PMID: 28570249 [Indexed for MEDLINE]
Appears in following Topics:
Pressure Ulcers/Injuries - Introduction and Assessment