WoundReference improves clinical decisions
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Documentation checklist to support medical necessity in HBOT and be audit ready.
See section 'Documentation Requirements' in topic "Debridement". Specialists that help enhance the wound team. Vascular specialist ...
This topic aims to provide practical guidance to support clinical decisions when screening, assessing and managing nutrition in patients with chronic wounds.
This topic illustrates safety program guidelines. For comprehensive information on safety in wound care and hyperbaric oxygen therapy, see topic "Safety and ...
How can we help? ×. WoundReference logo. WoundReference is a clinical decision support platform for experienced and new wound care clinicians at the point-of- ...
This is achieved through education of internal healthcare professionals, the medical community and support staff. Our knowledge in the management of Wound Care ...
... This topic provides an update on Quality in wound care and how clinical decision support systems like WoundReference can help clinicians 
... This topic provides an update on Quality in wound care and how clinical decision support systems like WoundReference can help clinicians achieve 
Indication for Hyperbaric Oxygen Therapy (HBOT). The paragraphs below serve as documentation statements to support indication of HBOT as an adjunctive treatment ...
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