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Infectious disease, primary care: if infection/ cellulitis is present; Nutritionist: At initial evaluation to optimize BMI; Plastic surgery: surgical management ...
Phlebolymphedema: chronic lymphatic insufficiency associated with chronic venous insufficiency (CVI). See topic "Venous ulcers - Introduction and Assessment".
This topic provides an overview on the use of compression therapy in the treatment of VLU (not for lymphedema). VLU is discussed in detail elsewhere (see " ...
... See topic "Lymphedema - Surgical Management"
... This topic provides an overview of ethics in wound care and a practical approach to applying principles of ethics in wound care and problem-solving in ethics
It is common for chronic venous disease to be associated with chronic lymphatic insufficiency, a condition known as phlebolymphedema. See topic "Lymphedema - ...
For more information on biofilm in chronic wounds, see section 'Role of Biofilm' in topic "The Principles of Wound Healing". Pain assessment. Utilize a visual ...
... This topic provides a practical overview of the main cell types and structures of each layer, including stem cells, appendages and nerves 
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