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This topic outlines a PU/PI prevention bundle that incorporates the main components in PU/PI prevention [5] : Structured PU/PI risk assessment; Comprehensive ...
For more details, see section 'Structured Risk and Skin Assessment' in topic "Pressure Ulcers/Injuries - Prevention". Etiology. According to the NPIAP, PU/PI ...
TREATMENT. Overview. This topic covers management of lymphedema and its complications (e.g., infection, ulcers). For ...
Etiological groups and risk factors · Pyoderma gangrenosum: see topic "Pyoderma Gangrenosum - Introduction and Assessment". · Small/ medium vessel vasculitis: ...
... Reduce chamber pressure to zero (while continually assessing airway patency
... This topic provides an update on Quality in wound care and how clinical decision support systems like WoundReference can help clinicians 
... These put a controlled amount of pressure on the swollen area to prevent fluid from building up, and need to be applied by a wound care/ 
... Wounds with devitalized tissue (pressure ulcers, burns, venous ulcers