Moore Z, Butcher G, Corbett LQ, McGuiness W, Snyder RJ, van Acker K, et al.
Journal of wound care. Date of publication 2014 May 1;volume 23 Suppl 5b():S1-S38.
1. J Wound Care. 2014 May;23 Suppl 5b:S1-S38. doi: 10.12968/jowc.2014.23.Sup5b.S1.
Exploring the concept of a team approach to wound care: Managing wounds as a
Moore Z, Butcher G, Corbett LQ, McGuiness W, Snyder RJ, van Acker K.
Background - The growing prevalence and incidence of nonhealing acute and chronic
wounds is a worrying concern. A major challenge is the lack of united services
aimed at addressing the complex needs of individuals with wounds. However, the
WHO argues that interprofessional collaboration in education and practice is key
to providing the best patient care, enhancing clinical and health-related
outcomes and strengthening the health system. It is based on this background that
the team approach to wound care project was conceptualised. The project was
jointly initiated and realised by the Association for the Advancement of Wound
Care (AAWC-USA), the Australian Wound Management Association (AWMA) and the
European Wound Management Association (EWMA). Aim - The aim of this project was
to develop a universal model for the adoption of a team approach to wound care.
Objective The overarching objective of this project was to provide
recommendations for implementing a team approach to wound care within all
clinical settings and through this to develop a model for advocating the team
approach toward decision makers in national government levels. Method An
integrative literature review was conducted. Using this knowledge, the authors
arrived at a consensus on the most appropriate model to adopt and realise a team
approach to wound care. Results - Eighty four articles met the inclusion
criteria. Following data extraction, it was evident that none of the articles
provided a definition for the terms multidisciplinary, interdisciplinary or
transdisciplinary in the context of wound care. Given this lack of clarity within
the wound care literature, the authors have here developed a Universal Model for
the Team Approach to Wound Care to fill this gap in our current understanding.
Conclusion - We advocate that the patient should be at the heart of all
decision-making, as working with the Universal Model for the Team Approach to
Wound Care begins with the needs of the patient. To facilitate this, we suggest
use of a wound navigator who acts as an advocate for the patient. Overall, we
feel that the guidance provided within this document serves to illuminate the
importance of a team approach to wound care, in addition to providing a clear
model on how to achieve such an approach to care. We look forward to gathering
evidence of the impact of this model of care on clinical and financial outcomes
and will continue to share updates over time.
DOI: 10.12968/jowc.2014.23.Sup5b.S1
PMID: 25191792