DynaGinate Calcium Alginate Dressing is an alginate wound dressing.
INTENDED USES: Calcium Alginate Dressing is a primary dressing ideal for the management of partial and full thickness wounds at stages 3 or 4.
CLAIMED BENEFITS: Changes to a fibrous gel when in contact with wound exudate, creating a moist wound environment. Contours to the wound bed and will not adhere to the wound upon removal. High absorbency dressing used for heavily exuding wounds.
Alginate Dressings are used to absorb wound fluid and control moisture of wounds. These dressings, when in form of rope or ribbon, fill in dead space, conform to the wound bed and help clean the wound. Alginate Dressings may be impregnated with silver, which can fight infection. Because they are highly absorptive, Alginate Dressings are good for wounds with a moderate to large amount of fluid and should not be used for dry or wounds with eschar. Use with caution on fragile tissue, as it may cause bleeding.
People with Medicare Part B (beneficiaries) who need to change surgical dressings at their homes and who are not being cared for by a home health agency may have specific types of dressings covered by Medicare. Alginate and other fiber gelling dressings are one of the dressings that are covered if requirements are met. Dressings need to be considered medically necessary for treatment of a surgical or surgically treated wound. Medicare has guidelines that establish what is considered medically necessary and how often an item can be used.
Local Coverage Determination for Surgical Dressings (L33831) [Internet]. 2016 [cited 2017 Apr 30].
If you have coverage through Medicare Part B and your condition meets Medicare requirements for coverage, you may be eligible to have this product covered by Medicare. You will need a written order prescribed by a provider enrolled in Medicare, so that you can purchase this product at a Durable Medical Equipment store that accepts Medicare. You will need to pay deductibles and co-payment. The actual co-payment amount varies according to your state. If you do not have Medicare Part B or do not meet the requirements needed for coverage, you can find this product at pharmacies and medical supply stores. When available, please see pricing in "Other Stores" below.
If your insurance does not cover this product, you can purchase it directly from any store. A list of online stores and prices is provided below for your convenience. For updated prices, find it on the internet at https://wrdev.azurewebsites.net/app/product?id=4048
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