Hi Lauraine,
You are correct. Silver nitrate application is commonly utilized to achieve hemostasis and to treat or knock down hypergranulation tissue. If used for hemostasis, the code 17250 may NOT be billed as it is bundled into the procedure payment. Please refer to Wound Care Billing 101 under the reimbursement section of the knowledge tab. I have included the language and link here as well.
Billing for Cauterization of Hypergranulation Tissue
Topical application of silver nitrate is often used in wound care to help remove and debride hypergranulation tissue “proud flesh” or calloused rolled edges in wounds or ulcerations. Silver nitrate may also be utilized to cauterize bleeding wounds. Silver nitrate is a highly caustic material, so it must be used with caution to prevent damage to healthy tissues.
Many wound clinics include a cauterization charge utilizing silver nitrate on their charge master. The AMA defines this code as follows:
17250 - Chemical cauterization of granulation tissue (i.e., proud flesh)
AMA guidelines
Do not report 17250 with removal or excision codes for the same lesion
Do not report 17250 when chemical cauterization is used to achieve wound hemostasis
Do not report 17250 in conjunction with 97597, 97598, 97602 for the same lesion
Billing tips for cauterization
Wound providers may bill 17250 to treat hypergranulation “proud flesh” of chronic wounds. 17250 may NOT be billed to achieve hemostasis post debridement or to cauterize active bleeding wounds. The billing charge master should include a descriptor defining the code definition and its limitations.
APC Status Indicator Q1 (packaged code) Paid under OPPS; Addendum B displays APC assignments when services are separately payable.
Packaged APC payment if billed on the same date of service as a HCPCS code assigned status indicator “S,” “T,” or “V.”
In other circumstances, payment is made through a separate APC payment.
National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI) edits are applicable. The purpose of the NCCI Procedure-to-Procedure (PTP) edits is to prevent improper payment when incorrect code combinations are reported. See section 'National Correct Coding Initiative (NCCI)' below.