I'm assuming this is an ORN case. The typical treatment, depending on the Marx staging, would be 30 treatments pre-surgery, and 10 treatments post surgery. For Stage 3 ORN, where the patient will be having a staged procedure, some practioners will bring the patient back after the second procedure for an additional 10 treatments. In most cases, HBO is used to "prepare" the wound bed/bone for a definitive surgical procedure. Some patients with concomitant ORN and STRN will be treated beyond the typical 40 treatments but this is for STRN. All of that to say, that 78 treatments for straight ORN is somewhat atypical. Some questions I would have would be:
Does the patient also have STRN?
How much radiation did the patient have?
What surgical procedures have been performed?
Has a Tcom been performed?
What is the goal for this patient?
I would anticipate that the supervising HBO physician and the maxilofacial surgeon have talked and come up with a treatment plan for this patient.
Just food for thought.
Mike White
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