Hi Sean, thanks for the question! That is a tough topic and is definitely subject to a great deal of rumination among clinical as well as coding and billing personnel.
In short, there is no true unanimous consensus. It is important to understand that the Wagner system does not factor in severity of infection, if present. There are other classification systems that can be utilized, though the Wagner unfortunately is married to reimbursement.
The link below outlines some information that may help you make the best decision for your practice in order to maintain consistency in clinical assessment, documentation, as well as treatment and ensuring synergy with reimbursement guidelines. The Introduction as well as Treatment Protocol Guidelines discuss the confounding issues you present.
In addition to the resources and insights that Sam presented above, this section has further information that might be helpful in the context of the use of Wagner classification and HBOT
Tiffany and I talked about your question: since a Wagner 3 is by definition a DFU "with deep abscess, osteitis or osteomyelitis, pyarthrosis, plantar space abscess, or infection of the tendon and tendon sheaths", application of CTP would risk a denial upon post payment review. See excerpt of CMS LCD L36690 below:
"Presence of neuropathic ulcers and diabetic foot ulcer(s) having failed to respond to documented conservative wound-care measures of greater than four weeks, during which the patient is compliant with recommendations, and without evidence of underlying osteomyelitis or nidus of infection."
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